With decades of hands-on experience, Jenny offers her clients expert guidance in self-discovery, conscious parenthood, career alignment, and spiritual growth. Ready to embark on a new adventure that will bring greater clarity, fulfillment, and joy to your life? Jenny is here to guide you every step of the way. 

Let's get started.

learn more

Enrich your relationships
Deepen purpose and meaning
Increase harmony and connection in your life
Unleash the unique and authentic self
Achieve your goals at work, at home, or in the community
Understand yourself and others better
Expand your awareness

A new path is waiting for you. 

Get Started Enneagram Coaching

Meet with Jenny to learn the fundamental Enneagram tools to unblock, and reconnect with your most authentic self. This integrated journey will help you rediscover your divine essence and find fulfillment, meaning, and joy in your life. This program is ideal for individuals, couples, or parents.

Get started

Gain insight into your relationship style
Identify the patterns that keep you stuck
Learn ways to communicate with difficult people
Practice the communication skills that reduce conflict
Learn techniques to give effective feedback
Each session is customized to you!

Discover your roadmap to personal and professional success with insights from the Enneagram assessment.

Life & Career Coaching

Each session is tailored to your unique needs. Tap into your innate strengths, overcome challenges, and craft a fulfilling life and career that resonates with your true essence. 

Through Life & Career Coaching, you'll:


Explore the Map of the Enneagram and the nine energies that we all experience
Deepen your connection to self and others
Learn to use the Enneagram to create more empathy and understanding in your family relationships
Learn about the heart center of intelligence and how to navigate the sense of unworthiness in children
Explore the head center of intelligence and how to respond to anxiety and fear in children
Dive deeper into the body center of intelligence and learn strategies to work through anger in children
Cultivate resiliency and three-centered living (incorporating heart, head + body intelligence) in children
Receive resources to stay connected to your deepest self and nurture yourself as a parent

Are you experiencing feelings of unworthiness, anxiety, fear, and anger in parenting?

Parent Coaching

Learn to navigate it with grace by accessing the deep wisdom and insights available to help you nurture your kid's unique growth and development. Foster greater empathy in your family by exploring the nine energies of the Enneagram to deepen connections with your children and partner. 

Through Enneagram Parent Coaching, you’ll:

Get started

Live a deeply connected and purpose-filled life by connecting with God and others.
Learn to access your own Spirit-filled wisdom within. 
Allow Spirit to lead you to deeper faith and more generous service. A spiritual companion doesn’t ask “What is happening?” but instead asks “What is moving forward?”

You possess great wisdom within. Ready to tap into it?

Spiritual Direction + Companionship Coaching

No matter where you are, or where you’ve been, this session will support you in deepening your relationship with the Divine. The human spiritual companion does not “direct” in the sense of giving advice and solving problems. Rather, the coach or companion helps a person respond to God’s invitation to a deeper relationship.

The Intention of Spiritual Coaching:


Thank you for all of our time together - still to this day I reference the tools and phrases you gave me to help me find my center on the hard days. The foundational building blocks we built together have helped guide me throughout the last year — Thank you again for sharing your wisdom, your space and your time with me.

"Still to this day I reference the tools and phrases you gave me to help me find my center on the hard days."